- We have at disposal of our clientes the present document and the original in Portuguese on the van or you can access at our website – westptours.com/
- We have alcohol gel and face masks for us and all our clients, and is mandatory to use it before entering the van.
- It’s not allowed, by the Portuguese health care institute to seat anyone at the front seat of the Van, the maximum size of the groups we transport, during the pandemia of Covid 19 are 6 persons to guarantee our and our clients safety
- We guarantee that after all the tours the van is disinfected and cleaned to prevent the spreading of any infections on it. You can check out the disinfection plan at the van.
- We removed the carpets of the interior of the car to prevent the spreading of the vírus at the surfaces.
- Everytime that is possible clientes have to accomplish the 2 m distancing inside of the van, being seatted at the side seats of the van.
Formation to workers
- Specific formation to all workers, about:
- The intern protocol regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Disinfection of the hands: multiple times a day disinfect the hands with na alcoholic solution.
- Breading measures: Coughin and sneezing to the elbow or with a paper tissue; after this procedure disinfect the hands and prevent touching eyes, nose and mouth with the hands.
- Social measures: Try to accomplish the recomendations of health care about socail distancing and prevent the proximity between workers and clientes.
- All the workers attended to a Clean and Safe formation, by Portugal Tourism institute.
- All workers have alcohol gel, facemasks and gloves given by the company.
- The worker that is responsible about the procedures in case of a suspect case of Covid-19 is João Guadalpi. This worker will take care of the case and contact the health care assistance line, and follow their recomendations (00351 808 24 24 24).
- We are going to need the other clientes contacts to prevent the spreading of the vírus chain.
- At the end of the day the van is going to be disinfected.
- This situation is going to be registred at the Inter protocol of Covid 19
In case you need more information related to this or other subjects please contact by 00351 939681645, and we will be glad to answer all your doubts
Created to provide you the best and most genuine experiences taking advantage of all the wonders that our amazing country has to offer.
RNAAT - 1326/2017